Spring Newsletter 2020

Dear Everland Community,

It’s a unique place that the world finds itself in during these trying times. Now more than ever our community is desiring to be involved in the development and ownership of this project. We are looking to take a pulse on our larger community and would love for your voice to be part of this conversation.


With the Covid-19 environment, we feel the call to action to be of service. As we emerge from this time of isolation our mission is that much more relevant Everland’s role is to be a place of play, transformation, authentic connection, and ceremony. 

The Sanctuary will serve as the heart of a community that honors the intrinsic voice of each individual, providing a safe container for exploration in the spirit of love, accountability, and collective evolution.

Due to the natural call to create a place of healing our community stepped forward to create a sister organization called the Sanctuary of the Inner Compass. We have recently acquired special use permitting for spiritual retreats for 25 people.   


Our major focus this spring and summer is learning this land and implementing the beginning plans to consciously build  and create a world of wonder as an outdoor Immersive Art Park.  Inspired by leaders in the industry, Meow Wolf and Burning Man we aim to expand and educate people through experiences.. Cohesive storylines have grown deeper, reflecting on that inner guidance we value so much the central feature of Everland’s Immersive Art Park has emerged after conversations with psychologists, ceremonialists, and wilderness therapists within the community: a large-scale compass.  The Compass holds the central meeting point of powerful archetypal themed trails such as the Visionary’s Path and the Shaman’s Path for visitors to experience and reflect on their own journey through life, providing a choose-your-own visitor experience.  The art along those trails will not only tell a story, but expand and educate through experience. 


Due to the recent mass cancellations that greatly affected the artists in our community, major installation artists are now unemployed.  Everland is launching a Kickstarter campaign to support these artists in this unusual time and fund the build of the Immersive Art Park this summer. Some of these artists have been waiting over a decade to collaborate together on a project as impactful and spirited as this one.   This is an opportunity to both support the artists in the community as well as bring Everland to life. So, if you are craving a place of permanence and co-creation, inspiration, art, and play, we are calling in community support to fund this epic opportunity.  


We have completely renovated and updated our retreat center.  As the snow has melted and spring has sprung we are focused on land stewardship such as fire mitigation, forest maintenance, trail building, ecology research, and fort building in preparation for Art building, nature nooks, yoga decks, and all the things that make Everland a sought after sanctuary.  


This global pandemic or “The Great Pause” has us reflecting on how we can steward and lead in the new chapter that is forming post Covid-19.  We are desiring to reframe our for-profit business model and looking for ways to invite and include our community in this collaborative dream while preserving our culture.  We are sending out this survey to get some feedback in the hopes that we will get a better understanding of market demand for a Co-Op and membership model.  This will provide a database for creating a structure that allows individuals to invest in Everland at a lower threshold.  Please share with those you feel would be interested as soon as you can.  


-share about our Kickstarter campaign launching June 23

-looking for: art donations, general excess building materials, chainsaws, 

-socially distant (and responsible!) weekend fire mitigation land clearing through the Sanctuary

-make an art proposal 

Jon Jenkins